2021-2022 LCAP Parent & Student Survey //Encuesta LCAP para padres y estudiantes 2021-2022
The State of California requires us to work with stakeholders to create our yearly Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) to show how we will be using state funding. Though we are expected to submit a board approved LCAP by July 1st, the LCAP can and should be modified throughout the year to reflect the changing needs of our diverse student population.
Manzanita is requesting input from students, teachers, parents and community members to determine the goals, actions, and budget priorities for the 2021-2022 school year. Your input is essential in helping us to effectively prepare for a successful school year.
El estado de California requiere que trabajemos con las partes interesadas para crear nuestro Plan de Responsabilidad y Control Local (LCAP) anual para mostrar cómo usaremos los fondos estatales. Aunque se espera que presentemos un LCAP aprobado por la junta antes del 1 de julio, el LCAP puede y debe modificarse a lo largo del año para reflejar las necesidades cambiantes de nuestra diversa población estudiantil.
Manzanita solicita comentarios de los estudiantes, maestros, padres y miembros de la comunidad para determinar las metas, acciones y prioridades presupuestarias para el año escolar 2021-2022. Su opinión es esencial para ayudarnos a prepararnos eficazmente para un año escolar exitoso.
Registration Form // Formulario de inscripción
Manzanita Charter Middle School, serving the 6th, 7th and 8th grades, is a small parent cooperative middle school with a strong commitment to excellence in academics and the arts taught within a safe, secure and nurturing community.
We are now accepting enrollment applications for 2021-2022!
La escuela intermedia autónoma Manzanita, que atiende a los grados 6, 7 y 8, es una pequeña escuela cooperativa de padres con un fuerte compromiso con la excelencia académica y artística, enseñada dentro de una comunidad segura y enriquecedora.
¡Ahora estamos aceptando solicitudes de inscripción para 2021-2022!
8th Grade Students & Families:
8th graders should begin preparing for high school by submitting their application(s).
Los estudiantes de octavo grado deben comenzar a prepararse para la escuela secundaria enviando su(s) solicitud(es).
If you are choosing to apply to a charter high school, please use the following link to learn about local opportunities and to streamline your application process:
Si elige postularse a una escuela secundaria autónoma, utilice el siguiente enlace para conocer las oportunidades locales y agilizar su proceso de solicitud:
***** West Contra Costa Charter Schools*****
If you are choosing to attend a WCCUSD high school, please use the link below to determine which school your student will be assigned to attend. (You will need to choose the dropdown menu labeled "Boundaries" in the blue bar at the top of your screen and check the box labeled "High Schools.")
Si elige asistir a una escuela secundaria de WCCUSD, use el enlace a continuación para determinar a qué escuela se le asignará a su estudiante para asistir (deberá eligir el menú desplegable llamado "Límites" en la barra azul en la parte superior de la pantalla y marque la casilla "Escuelas Secundarias")
*****WCCUSD School Boundary Map*****
For information regarding a WCCUSD intra-district transfer, which begins February 1, 2021, please use the following link:
Para obtener información sobre una transferencia dentro del distrito de WCCUSD, que comienza el 1 de febrero de 2021, ulilice el siguiente enlace:
***** WCCUSD Intra-District Transfer*****
If you would like to apply for Middle College High School, please use the following link:
Si desea postularse para Middle College High School, ulitice el siguiente enlace:
*****Middle College High School 20-21 Application Information*****
A medida que nuestra comunidad continúa siendo afectada significativamente por COVID, sigamos practicando la paciencia, la compasión y la flexibilidad. Si usted o su familia necesitan acceso a recursos o están enfrentando desafíos importantes háganoslo saber para que podamos ayudarlos. ¡Estamos en esto juntos!
As our community continues to be significantly impacted by COVID, so let's all continue to practice patience, compassion, and flexibility. If you or your family needs access to resources or is enduring significant challenges, please let us know so that we can help support you. We are in this together!
2019-2020 Financial Audit Report
Manzanita was created to educate middle school students whose parents and guardians value participation in their student's learning. The school opened its doors in the fall of 2000 with one class of 6th and 7th graders. It now serves over 100 students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.
- Public: Manzanita is free of charge and funded by the State of California
- Cooperative: Manzanita is made up of families who are welcome into virtually every aspect of running the school.
- Charter: Manzanita is governed by its Charter, approved by The West Contra Costa Unified School District.
Manzanita Charter Middle School does not discriminate on the basis of actual or perceived characteristics of age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, medical condition, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or any other basis prohibited by California state and federal nondiscrimination laws respectively, including Title IX which requires non-discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs.
Copyright © 2000-2021 Manzanita Charter Middle School. All rights reserved. Manzanita is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID #68-0450000.