Required Documents
In addition to the application forms, the parent, guardian, or caregiver will need to provide the following:
- 1
Residence Verification
Verification of your residence from ONE of the following sources:
- Homeowner’s insurance policy
- Property tax statement
- Rental property contract, lease, or payment receipt
- Most recent pay stub
- Voter Registration
- Automobile insurance in combination with automobile registration
- Official letter from a social service/government agency within 45 days
- Bank statement within 5 days
- 2
Identification Verification
One of the following documents for identification purposes:
- California driver’s license
- State issued ID card
- Valid passport
- Consulate ID
- 3
Immunization Verification
A copy of your student's full immunization record.
- 4
Age Verification
One of the following for student age verification:
- birth certificate, passport
- hospital registration of birth (signed by hospital personnel);
- Immigration Visa; or,
- in the case of a foster child if any of the above are not available, a letter from Social Services (signed letter) verifying the birthdate.

Next Steps
Once an application and the supporting documents have been submitted and confirmed received by our front office, your student will be formally added to the admissions lottery.
The application deadline for the 2025-2026 school year is 2/14/25. Please call our office with any questions or concerns.
The admissions lottery for the 2025-2026 school year will take place on 2/17/25
If your student is selected for admission, you may then fill out and submit a registration packet
Once our front office confirms your submission of the registration packet then your student has formally been accepted into Manzanita Charter Middle School!
Exit Procedure
- 1
Parent or Guardian formally requests release of student from Manzanita Charter Middle School
- 2
Front Office notifies all teachers and staff of the student's departure
- 3
Once the student's new school requests records our front office will promptly send them
- 4
Student records are removed from SAS system