A Rosie Among Us

Manzanita history teacher Haley Ralph helped set the world record for the largest gathering of people dressed as Rosie the Riveter in 2016. A self-confessed history nerd, Ms. Ralph took part of the event to learn more about women’s experience during World War II.

2,270 Rosies crowded into Craneway Pavillion on August 13, 2016. Women, men, children, infants (and even some dogs dressed as Rosie) joined the original Rosies, who are now in their 90’s. Participants came from many other states, as far away as Michigan.


Detroit and Richmond have a running rivalry over the world record for the most Rosies. Detroit set the record in 2015 at 2,096 Rosies. Richmond set a new record of 2,229 Rosies in 2016. Ms. Ralph’s group at Rosie the Riveter day broke that record with a turnout of 2,270 people.

Guiness requires that participants wear:

  • The Rosie jumpsuit or dark denim
  • Red Rosie socks
  • The classic red headscarf with white polka dots


Rosie originally rode a greyhound bus from the Ford factory to the harbor.

In addition to hobnobbing with 2,269 other Rosies, Ms. Ralph boarded a historic Greyhound bus (used to transport Rosies to and from the factories during WWII) and explored the FDR’s presidential yacht.

Overall, she found the day to be eye opening. “It was powerful to see how actual we were and can be as women,” she said.

Crew quarters on Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidential yacht.

If you would like to take part in the next Rosie the Riveter Day, visit rosietheriveter.org where you can sign up for the Rosie the Riveter Trust newsletter. The next rally will be August 12, 2017 from 10am – 4pm at the Craneway Pavilion/Ford Assembly Plant with festivities at Lucretia Edwards Park in Richmond.


Photos: Haley Ralph

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