Anti-Bullying Pledge
We believe that everyone should enjoy our school equally and feel safe, secure and accepted regardless of color, race, ethnic identity, nationality, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, (real or perceived) special needs, popularity, economic status, athletic ability, intelligence, or religion. All Manzy students and families sign the Anti-Bullying Pledge annually.
Student Concern Form
Praise & Concern Form
Elogios o Quejas
Family Preparedness Plan | Plan Familiar
If your family does not already have a preparedness plan, consider making one. Having a plan in place can reduce stress and help you be more organized and efficient in case the unexpected happens.
Community Alerts
In the event of an emergency, the Contra Costa County Community Warning System will be activated. Sign up for alerts today. You can also take the next step and become a trained member of the Community Emergency Response Team.